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Propelling the Next Generation of Blockchain


Intelchain's Groundbreaking Scalable Architecture

Scalable Architecture

Intelchain has developed a fully scalable architecture that allows unprecedented growth in terms of network, storage, and transaction processing. This architecture enables the network to adapt and grow efficiently to meet the changing demands of the blockchain ecosystem.

Unprecedented Growth

Adaptive Network

Meeting Dynamic
Ecosystem Demands


Conduct Your Transactions with Confidence within the Secure Environment of Intelchain's Swap Ecosystem.

Enter the Intelchain SWAP platform

Revolutionizing Blockchain with Fast Byzantine
Fault Tolerance (FBFT)
Consensus Algorithm

Fast Byzantine Fault Tolerance (FBFT)

Intelchain implements the FBFT consensus algorithm, which enables extremely fast block confirmation in just 2 seconds. This algorithm ensures high transaction speed and reliability in the network, significantly improving user experience and operational efficiency

FBFT Consensus Algorithm
for Rapid Block Confirmation

High Transaction
Speed and Reliability

Improved User Experience
and Operational Efficiency

Intelchain Versus
Other Blockchain Platforms

Intelchain stands out as the top choice in terms of cost, technology, and processing speed compared to other blockchains. With competitive fees, advanced technologies, and fast processing speed, it's the ideal choice for those seeking an efficient and secure blockchain platform. Furthermore, its implementation of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) streamlines development and reduces operational costs, making it even more attractive to businesses and developers.

Blockchain Network Intelchain Ethereum TRON
Transactions per Second 200.000 to 800.000 20.000 to 100.000 Around 2.000
Transfer Speed Instant (2 second) Slower (In Minutes) Quicker (Second to Minutes)
Fees Down from $0.036 USD Start from $3 USD Start from $0.26 USD
Safety Extra High High Comparatively Lower
Usage Advice Trading Medium options for trading Small amount, high-frequency trading
Development Crypto token, smart contracts, decentralized and centralized applications. Crypto token, smart contracts, decentralized applications. Crypto token, smart contracts, decentralized applications.
in Intelchain Platforms

By Sharding technique Intelchain used to improve the scalability of blockchain networks by splitting the network into smaller, manageable pieces called "shards." Each shard is capable of processing its own transactions and smart contracts independently


Network Division: The entire blockchain network is divided into several smaller groups called shards. Each shard operates like its own mini-blockchain, processing transactions and smart contracts independently of other shards.

Parallel Processing: Because shards work in parallel, the overall transaction processing capacity of the network increases. This means multiple transactions can be processed simultaneously across different shards, significantly improving throughput.

Cross-Shard Communication: Shards need to communicate with each other to maintain a unified state of the blockchain. A mechanism is in place to ensure secure and efficient communication between shards, allowing for cross-shard transactions and data consistency.

Intelchain Explorer

Explore your transactions with the Intelchain explorer! Access vital block, transaction, and account balance info with ease.

Enter the Intelchain EXPLORER platform

The Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS)
Model by Intelchain

Empowering Participation

To ensure an energy-efficient and cost-effective network, Intelchain employs the Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS) model. This model prevents centralization and fairly distributes stakes among the shards, promoting active and equitable participation in the network validation process.


of Centralization

Stake Distribution

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